Walking down the streets of any town in Nigeria, one would discover that there are more madmen in Nigeria than expected. On the street of Abuja itself with some important area of Lagos is filled up with madmen and madwomen roaming about nakedly in this Great nation.
As i was working via oke-ilewo/kuto road, i came across a madwoman with a child, and i was almost crying. what is the sin of this young child being punished alongside due to the condition of the mother. i then took a step forward, first to the motherless baby home where i was redirected to the ministry of women affair at oke-ilewo itself. of course i went and i was a little bit dissappointed that after three weeks nothing was done. i went back to them and was told that they were working on it and that they would soon respond to the situation. About two month after i still met them there although they were no more in that spot at the present. their absence in that place, does it mean that the government have taken over? well i don't know. all i know is that she is no more there.
so what am i driving at with all of these? the rates at which mad people are increasing in this nation, one would be confused whether there is a Government in this nation. In the advanced world, none of these are noticed because they took care of their mad people.Shall we say that there is no more mad people in USA? well, they have plenty. But is it that they were not found roaming about on the streets? it was because, the US government respect their mad people and treat them as a citizen giving them the full attention. they of course, build a lot of psychiatric hospital and they finance all the budget of these people such that you cannot know the difference between mad people in the US from the normal citizen.
the question is: what is NIgeria doing to savage this situation? our mad people were eating refuse like goat, they sleep on the streets, they wear rags, in fact they are as well exposed to various dangers. like dangers of ritual killers, dangers of accident, dangers of diseases. why should this keeps on happening? when is this going to end.
On the streets of Abeokuta Alone, there is nothing less than five mad men and women roaming about per street. what a shame!!!
of course, nobody chose to be in that position by themselves. why should they keep on suffering for all these?
I am using this opportunity to call on the people and the government of this great nation, to set up a TASK force comprising only Medical and Pharmaceutical personel with the assistance of the Nigerian Police force, to start picking any mad people found on the city of Nigeria. but before this is done, the government should include the wellfare of the mad people in NIgeria into their budget and let the budget be tagged, THE MAD PEOPLE ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA. through this budget, more psychiatric hospitals should be built. this also will provide employment for our medical personels and in fact more Neurosurgeons would be produced in Nigeria when this is put into consideration. their well being in terms of food and shelter should also be looked into. If in 2003, Babangida could budget 6 billion dollars for his presidential campaign, how much will it cost the government to take care of their citizens. Imagine one man using six billion dollars(Not NAIRA OH) for campaign alone, definitely he would have times 10 of it in his account. and look at the masses, they keep on suffering. the rich are getting more richer while the poor poorer.
remember, this mad people on the street of Nigeria ARE NIGERIAN, and they deserve their entitlement from the government just like every citizen in Nigeria. the word of God said: 'to those who know the right and doeth it not, to them it is a sin'.
i am appealing to this government to take this matter seriously. who knows, may be through all these thing much of these mad people could be made whole. From the day i was born, i have never seen a Nigeria who does not know how to do one thing. if a Nigerian cannot read, it does not mean that he/she can't do other things like sports, musics and all of such. this will also be an opportunity for the government to bring out the best in this people.
1 month ago
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