Greed has been the number one problem of all black race. In fact, it's as if it's the identity of most blacks, especially in this part of the world. Come to think of it, do you know that greed started from the days of our forefathers? I know most of us are so bitter when we hear of how a white man come into our country and took our people into slavery, but do we ever asked this question: 'was there any war fought to lead blacks into slavery? the sure answer is NO. So, if there is no war, No killing of blacks by white as in combat to secure slaves, how come they went away with so massive slaves?
Stupidity of our forefathers causes us so much pain. yeah, but is it really stupidity? I doubt it is stupidity, I think it is greed. what do you say of a king or a chief of a particular village who is willing to sell his people into slavery just for a bottle of schnapp, or for Mirror or for Golden cup or silver spoon? will you say it is stupidity? NO, I say it is a high level of greed. The truth is, we blacks don't value our people, if our fathers can sell over fifty of their brethren into slavery for one bottle of schnapp, we should know that what our politicians are doing today is nothing on the scale of greed.
if our fathers can exhibit it and we see it manifest fully in our days, every black should check him/herself. thank God for those who brought gospel to Africa, we would have remain in bondage till now. do we say the whites enslaves us? I say, they helped us. without the whites, Africa would have been worse. if i'm wrong correct me, but before you correct me, let me remind you how much Abacha looted of the federation money, over five billion pounds. till now, we are still recovering part of that money day in day out. While Obasanjo leaves office, he allocated over 11.3 billion dollars to tackle power problems, till now the problem still lingers. Tafa Balogun, former inspector general of police of Nigeria, caught with over 17 billion naira kept in GP tank in his house, millions of dollars cash seen in diezani Allison madueke's house, just to mention a few; Corruption every where, in all sectors, once you put a man in a position, a higher position in Nigeria or Africa as a whole, they either use the position to extort or to oppress.
How come blacks behave well outside Africa? if we can behave ourselves when we go to America, Europe or Asia, How come we don't behave well at home? we are honest outside, we aren't greedy outside, we are very hardworking.
yahoo have been in existence for more than twenty years, the year it got to Nigeria, we turn it's use around against the white, many whites have cried as a result of this. We blacks don't value ourselves that's why seven past governors can have a combine cash in Dubai worth over twenty billion dollars while their people suffer at home.
Thank God for Jesus that turn around the life of many. Greed, Lies, Wickedness, when are we going to put away all these? we are beautiful people, full of potentials, we have the ability to rule the world, we can change the world within a short time, we can do it, if only we can let go of our greed, if only we can make truth our watchword always, if only we can love one another the way we are.
it's high time we let go of our selfishness, it's high time we let righteousness reign in our country NIGERIA, if only we can let go of greed. Millions are hungry, yet with dreams, just a million naira is what many youths need to make it to the top, they have dreams and aspirations, but what are they going to do when there is no one to help them, what are they going to do when some selfish people have stocked all the money abroad. the money that if most of them die today, there wife don't have idea of it, talkless of their children and so the money becomes a white man's property.
1 month ago